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Frene, Lisandro

Today it was issued presidential Decree 899/2017 which –pursuant to previous Decree 746/2017- establishes that the new Argentine Agency of Access to Public Information (“Agencia de Acceso a la Información Pública”, “AAPI”) shall be the enforcement authority of Personal Data Protection Act 25,326, thus replacing Argentine Data Protection Authority (“Dirección Nacional de Protección de Datos Personales”, “DNPDP”) in such capacity.

The AAPI is a public autarchic entity recently created by Decree 746/2017 within the National Chief of Cabinet (the highest authority of the National Government Ministries). The Director of the AAPI is Mr Eduardo Bertoni, former dirctor –until today- of the DNPDP, so the criterion and internal guidelines for data protection enforcement should remain the same.

Regulations issued as of to date by the DNPDP shall remain valid, with full legal effect